Love Work Family Friends Games Kids Life

Posted by on 2015/04/15 under Uncategorized

I don’t get it. I really don’t. Why does physical appearance play such a big role in society? Why does it matter whether or not you’re fat? What clothes you wear? What your complexion is? It shouldn’t matter, but the fact that it does, should make you realize just what this world has deformed to.

So, we dress in black a lot, enjoy a different kind of music, put on a lot of black eyeliner on, we’re paler then we should be. So what? Everyone has their likes and dislikes everyone has their flaws. It’s what makes us human. And for someone to go around pointing them out, picking on them, humiliating them. Pointing out their flaws as if you don’t already see them. For what? Showing your true side? People like us, having to go around pretending, pretending to be happy, pretending that we don’t starve ourselves in order to stay thin, pretending just pretending. Always faking playing the part of someone who we aren’t. You begin to wonder why? Well the answer’s simple. Social acceptance.

Those two simple words, they mean a lot. Sure, go around pretending as if you don’t care. But in everyone, in everyone they’ll always be a side that does care. It’s inhumane not to. Everyone wants to be respected, appreciated, cherished and admired. Why wouldn’t you want any of that? Who cares about the struggles you go through to receive it? Who cares?

So go on, pick on us. Pretend we’re inhumane. Pretend it doesn’t hurt every time you say some spiteful word. Go on, call us freaks. Trash our lockers. Toss our books on the floor. If it makes you feel higher. But in the end remember that we’re just in fact like anyone else. We bleed when we get injured.
But before you go on judging us, take a moment to realize, we have something you don’t. We have uniqueness. Courage, the confidence to stand out. Even if it means standing alone. We are ourselves. No one else, that’s something most people aren’t granted. To have the guts to continue standing tall while others crawl beside us. So even though it may look as if you’re winning the battle, we’ve won the war.

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